May 6, 2011


Dr.Kesiraju Ramprasad

Basic Concepts:
Logic is primarily concerned with distinguishing correct reasoning from reasoning that is incorrect. Logic is chiefly interested in the difference between persuasive reasoning and reasoning that is not persuasive.

There are three kinds of logical reasoning in logic. They are deduction, induction and abduction.

Deduction means determining the conclusion. It is using the rule and its precondition to make a conclusion. Ex. When it rains, the grass gets wet. It rained. Therefore the grass is wet. Mathematicians are commonly associated with style of reasoning.

Induction means determining the rule it is learning the rule after numerous examples of the conclusion following the precondition. Example “The grass has been wet every time it has rained. Therefore when it rains, the grass gets wet”. Scientists are commonly associated with the style of reasoning.

Abduction means determining the precondition. It is using the conclusion and the rule to support that the precondition could explain the conclusion. Example. “When it rains, the grass gets wet. The grass is wet, therefore it may have rained. Diagnosticians and detectives are commonly associated with the style of reasoning.

Formal logic is the study of inference wish purely formal content. An entrance possesses a purely formal content if it can be expressed as a particular application of a wholly abstract rule that is not.

In the logical form of argument for example all A are B's “All men or mortals”, all cats are carnivores, all Greeks are Philosophers. Aristotle used this fundamental logic. The important properties in logical systems have consistency, validity, completeness, soundness.

Which means no theorem of the system contradicts another.
This means that the systems rules of proof will never allow a false inference from true premises. It only uses premises that process true.
This means that if a theorem is true, it can be proven.
This means that the premises are true and the argument is valid.
The Chinese logical philosopher proposed the paradox “one and one can't become two, since neither becomes two”.
Informal Reasoning:

The motivator for the study of logic in ancient times was clear. It is so that one may learn to distinguish good from bad arguments and so become more effective in argument and oratory and perhaps also to become a better person.
Arguments & Inference

Human life is full of decisions including significant choices about what to believe. Although every one prefers to believe what is true. We often disagree with each other about what that is particular instances. It may be that some of our most fundamental convictions in life are acquired by haphazard means rather than by the use of reason, but we all recognize. That our beliefs about ourselves and the world often hand together in important ways. If we wrongly believe premises the out come of the belief is also wrong. Ex. Shylock is a character of GB Shah. It is possible to distinguish correct reasoning from incorrect reasoning independently of our agreement on substantive matters. Logic is the discipline that studies the distinction both determining the conditions. If we follow the principles of correct reasoning does ensure that no additional mistakes creep in during the course of our progress.

We have to understand some technical terms that described human reasoning in general. Our fundamental unit of what may be asserted or denied is the preposition or (statement) that is typically expressed by declarative sentence logicians of earlier centuries often identified propositions with the mental acts of affirming them, often called judgments.

Prepositions are distinct from the sentences that convey them. Latha leaves Ram can be expressed as Ram is loved by Latha.

The chief concern of logic is how the truth of some prepositions is connected with the truth of another. Thus, we will usually consider a group of related propositions. An argument is a set of two or more prepositions related to either in such a way that all but one of them (the premises) are supposed to provide support for the remaining one (the conclusion) the transition or movement from premises to conclusion, the logical connection between them, is the inference upon which the argument lies. Premise and conclusion are here defined only as they occur in relation to each other within a particular argument.

Logical thinking means constructive thinking. Logic is an important word in our discussions. Logic means reasoning. Reasoning means constructive thinking. Our thoughts process and act process have constructively they should be logical. They should stand for testing times. We have to build our argument with solid logic. We should present sufficient data and evidences to prove our argument is good and solid and constructive our thinking process carries on two issues.

One is on the problem we are taking. Second is on the previous experiences or previous data stored in the memory on the issue. So information regarding the issue in the brain through read, seen or listened, collected etc.
Logic – What is logic.

1. There are Himalayas (Statement)
2. Their top is white and cold breeze is coming (Reason)
3. See the ice block in the house is white so Himalayas are also white (Examples – analogy)
4. We are feeling cold because we are near to ice block. So if we go near to Himalayas we will feel cold. (Compares)
5. So Himalayas are cold (Conclusion)
This is logical argument buildup. If we want to win an argument we have to think logically. Certain times political leaders does not think logically.
There is a five point formula for thinking :
1. First think about what is the problem.
2. What are the causes for the problem or why this problem occurred? Think the reasons.
3. Define the problem. Analyze the problem. Identify any undercurrent problem or problems in the problem.
4. Think the issue on different dimensions. Think laterally also. There may be different effects for a cause.
5. Select the best alternative in amidst of alternatives.

Logic is the systematic study of principles of valid inference and correct reasoning. It is used intellectual activities. Logic examines which forms are valid and which are fallacies. The validity of an argument is determined by its logical form, not by its content. The informal logic is the study of natural language arguments. The study of fallacies is an important branch of informal logic. The examples of Plato are the good examples of the informal logic.

Logic plays an important part in life. It is useful in several ways. It increases our memory also. It helps our convincing ability. It helps our chances of winning in arguments. It helps in decision making.

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