Apr 18, 2011


Self Belief
Dr.KESIRAJU Ramprasad

The sub conscious control all the vital functions of the body. It doesn’t sleep and never take rest. It is always on its job. It has a hidden and unknown source of divine power which helps us to realize our thoughts and dreams. The law of action and reaction is universal. Our thoughts and actions and the realization of thoughts are reactions realized with the help of Subconscious mind. If any dream is unfulfilled it is because of our doubts and blocks. So remove the blocks and think positively.
We have to imagine always happy ending or solution to our problems and enjoy the excitement and thrill of accomplishment.

What we imagine and think will be accepted by the Subconscious. Faith is like a seed planted in a ground. It grows when conditions favor’s it. Just like a plant of thought in your brain, water it and fertilize it and nurture it as a plant. It will grow according to your wish. We have to believe the reality of your idea, though it sounds odd to you, but it manifests.

If we believe all problems originates in the brain. Certain fears, anxieties, pains, sufferings etc., appear in the mind according to the mental programming which we have already in the brain. So we have to try to fill our thoughts in the Subconscious to seek a solution for a problem prior to sleep it will answer you. If we remember the stories of Aristotle to Alexander Fleming, they discovered the answers from their Subconscious.

Everything is the convictions of Subconscious. We have to convince our Subconscious for anything we want to achieve. We have to repeat the area where we want to achieve success before sleep. We have to keep it in our thoughts always. Our conscious and subconscious mind must accept our convictions. They accept our strong and dominant convictions. We should not give scope for negative thoughts at any point of time. The negative thoughts magnify our woes.

We have to leave our hatred, envy and jealous on others. These types of thoughts corrupt our Souls if we think deeply and intensely.

Success has more definitions. We have to choose our field where we want to achieve Success. Success means happy and joy living. Every one has to discover his or her passion to achieve success. We have to find out our internal call.

If we unable to find out true passion, take the help of others as guidance. This will help us to find our true way. One has to achieve maximum strengths, skills and knowledge in their desired field. We have to know the precious content and art of presentation in our passion area. We have to master the subject with object clarity. This Ignites the Subconscious and shows the light to our path way. If we do our work with devotion and precise attention with absolute focus, the subconscious also reacts in the same way. Some times we can’t find the solutions overnight. We have to repeat it to our Sub consciousness several times. We have to repeat it to several times without tiring. We should have faith with perseverance and trust it without any test. If we do our efforts sincerely the best will come to us.

If we are thinking good of others really means that we are thinking about ourselves. What we do to others means that we are doing help to ourselves. We can disagree with anybody but we don’t disagreeable

1 comment:

  1. Believe that life is worth living and your self belief will help create the trend.
    --Kumar Raju


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