Apr 13, 2011


How to identify a person or categorize a person is a billion dollar question since ages. Though we have explored oceans, conquered skies, probed into secrete of the earth, we are unable to read or identify a person’s characteristics. We are not able to understand the behavior of a person who responds typically in different situations.
There are certain scales or batteries to identify a person’s character and behavior. My 25 years of varied experience in dealing with people and interactions with the intellectuals from different walks of life has helped me to evolve this group and individual behavior theory.
This theory helps people in all spheres of activity both at managerial and administrative levels irrespective of cultural, religious and caste barriers to identify the people and their characteristics so that they can categorize them without any difficulty. It is a multipurpose tool which can be used to recognize the strong points in the characteristics of others so that their potentials can be maximized.
This theory has been experimented and it helps to identify the causes for the mood disasters and other disorders. An individual’s response in a situation depends on various factors such as brought up in a family, environment, attitudes, value system and intuition, internal and external motivations. Sometimes one may compromise to a given situation in order to achieve a long term goal.
Certain values or returns determine the character of a person. The returns may be in the form of money, goods or love and affection, appreciation, support, name and fame, respect etc. Once a value system is established for himself/herself by an individual because of his/her experiences and various stimuli received through internal and external factors through cognition, he or she can not change the system easily.
One’s achievement and success will not give the same kind of inspiration to others on equal proportions. It varies. For example promotion in the job to one person gives him immense satisfaction but the same may affect the performance of another person. Why certain people are indifferent or irrational in a given situation; why certain people are selfish and some other people are selfless; why some people want power and some others refuse power; why some people are distractive and some others are calm and quiet are probing questions to investigate.
This theory helps to identify the people into 9 categories by the use of NEW THEORY. With the help of this theory we can effectively use and influence different people and entrust different jobs to them in order to get the maximum returns. We can handle the people effectively without coercive and dominant ways. Allotting a job for a select group of people is a challenge for many managers and leaders. If we know the art, we can handle effectively using their quality traits with the help of this theory. For the sake of identification 9 different colors are allotted to different kinds of people. The allotment also makes it easy to recall and the retention.
The theory also focuses on why some people suddenly undergo the mood changes and disturbance. In such moments they outrage. Then in the next moment they are relaxed and behave fairly positively. Another interesting thing about such people is that they hardly remember the ugly storm created by them a few moments before.
This theory tells us that there are certain times when an individual is forced to behave in different ways that are not same with their Natural Behavior. This theory helps us what type of benefits we should give to affirm an individual personal value and self esteem. For example a big promotion, big office and power would satisfy more the self esteem of Red than a Green. This theory helps us to see which of the nine recognized factors they use when matters are moving smoothly and what things they use when they faced a conflict. This tool helps to prioritize things when we face a moment that we cannot resolve peacefully.
The boss or leader can follow the quality attributes to make a group with one red, a few blues and greens and keep a yellow and black inside. In this group the red will lead the group, blues will make the things done and the greens will plan precisely and make use of the blacks’ power and involves the yellows into the team goals and objectives.
If the boss innocently keeps all the reds into one group, that group can’t achieve organization objectives. There is a saying that a lion leading the donkeys is stronger than a donkey leading the lions. Why because the lion is red and the donkey is blue. A blue can’t lead a team. If a mother is blue in a house and son and daughter are red the mother faces the problem. If the husband is red and wife is blue, the blue faces the hardships. If the people in the street listen to the quarrels of these two, it could be judged that both wife and husband are reds, so they are fighting for the authority in the house.
Most of the people behave and react contradictory when they are in peaceful situation to troubled situation. This helps to understand their motivational style clearly. In stress situations our behavioral styles and motivation differ. There are different stages in these reactions. In the first stage his/her focus is on himself and the people, in the second stage his/her focus is on himself/herself and the issue, in the third stage his/her focus is on himself/herself and his/her survival. Most of the people are Green in the first stage, Red in the second stage and Blue in the third stage. The Red and Black response will be more violent when the reaches the next stages. The Red response is verbal in the first stage where as blacks response is violent in troubled situations.
This theory helps to deal all other colors of people effectively and efficiently.
A Person’s observable behavior is an indication of his characters. This behavior can be strong or weak, good or bad. A person with strong character shows drive, energy, determination, self discipline, willpower and nerve. They are attracted by followers. Who vacillates and inconsistent will not get followers. The awareness of this theory gives us the means to maximize our capacity to act intelligently or turbo use to maximize our abilities. We will be able to understand others at a greater level and realize great potential for relationship at work and home and the peer circle.
This theory helps the individual ability to make more effective use of his learning abilities. The person will be more efficient in dealing with people, using more easy ways of communication with others. He gets a better understanding of himself and people around him. He applies his persuasion ability in a greater way.
1. It helps to improve co-operation and reduce conflicts.
2. It helps in understanding others and influences others.
3. It helps to understand the climate of the working place.
4. It prevents conflicts.
5. It helps to maintain interpersonal relations within the group.


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