Apr 12, 2011


Dr.KESIRAJU Ramprasad

We have abundant riches within our vicinity. To acquire them all we have to do is open our internal strength and behold the treasure house of abundance within us. The subconscious is the store house with in us from which we can extract every thing we need to live life gloriously. Many people are unaware of their internal strength. They themselves close their internal strength. The Subconscious is the store house of knowledge and wealth, whatever we want, we can draw it forth. There are two types of people. One is full of confidence and faith in them and is born to succeed and to win. The second category is full of fears and doubts who can materialize their dreams and live an ordinary life.
Our mind is like a garden. We are gardeners. What ever the seeds of thoughts we plant in our subconscious mind all day along even though we unaware of doing so because they are habitual thinking. What we sow in our subconscious so we reap. If we sow happiness, knowledge, success and prosperity with right attitude we reap glorious harvest. If we begin to control our thought process, we can apply the power of our subconscious to any problem or difficulty. It shows suitable solutions to all the problems. One should know the art of using conscious and subconscious mind. If we want to change the external conditions, we must change the “Cause “first. Most of the people try to change the external conditions without changing the “Cause”. The cause is the reasons for the flow of conditions and their outcomes. The ‘Cause is the reason for confusion, discord and lack of understanding of the issue. The cause is the way we use our consciousness it in turn control our thoughts and mind and other images. Change the Cause, and in turn it changes the Effect.
We must understand the basic working of subconscious. We must know the principle of working of it. The subconscious is principle. It works according to the Law of Belief. The law of our mind is the law of our internal thought process and belief. Remember that the belief in our own mind that brings the result. We should not have false beliefs, opinions, and hypothecations. They will not allow the brain to work smoothly. So have positive attitudes. A positive thought leads to positive actions. Every thought is a cause and every cause is an effect. So we have to take care of our thoughts. Always sow positive thoughts, accept them with your conscious reasoning mind, and keep thinking of it, you get desired results.
The conscious mind is just like General of an army. All the army carries out the orders of the general without questioning. Just like that subconscious carries the orders. It doesn’t reason the validity of the orders.It simply obeys
If we know how to use the Life success laws we can achieve great name and fame. The Scientists and artists like singers, writers, sculptors, actors, directors, etc, have known this art batter than others. They dream their career with challenge and achieve goals subsequently.
Our subconscious has answer to our problems. If we tell our problems to our subconscious it gives answers. If we tell to our subconscious to wake up us at 5 am in the morning before going to sleep. It answers to you at that time. It is a clear example that we all experienced in our real life experiences so many times. It is one example. We have numerous examples like that. Believe the power of subconscious.
We should never use such expressions such as “I can’t, I can’t read, I can’t write, I can’t remember, I can’t buy, I can’t reach that position etc. Our Subconscious takes it and acts accordingly. It will instruct conscious mind accordingly to ones wishes and desires. Certain times these negative suggestions register more in the subconscious. It is difficult to erase them. If we decide strongly to erase those negative suggestions we can erase them with little effort. THE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE IS TO BELIEVE SUBCONSCIOUS. We have to belie ourselves. Self belief is the best belief. Who believes strongly will win ultimately. Let change our thought which in turn changes our Destiny.
The Law of Life has Echo concept. If we think of good, good will echoed. If we think of Bad, the same will be echoed. WE ARE WHAT WE ARE THINKING. Always be positive because the subconscious does not have reasoning power. So we should be always positive in our thoughts.
If we are positive, positive people will flock around you. If we are negative, negative people will surround you. If we are friendly, those kinds of people prevail. So we have the power to select .So always select the joy of Abundance.
Sometimes or most of the time some one passes negative statements on us. We need not bother about such statements. Those statements have no power to hurt us. No one can make us inferior unless we accept those statements. The only power it has is that it can stimulate our thoughts and actions negatively. If we practice we can choose or reject those negative thoughts that hurt our feelings. We have the power to select who we want to react. Don’t give chance to others to dominate you or overcome you. Don’t think from the angle of fear and ignorance. Think the principles of Life.
We have the habit to say so many times that “I CAN”T “. We have to overcome it by substituting “I CAN DO’’. What ever the conscious mind believes to be real the same our subconscious accepts and brings to reality. So always believe positive.

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