Apr 27, 2013


                       Advantages of drinking water

I wish to compile an article on advantages of drinking water so I have surfaced number of web sites to write this article.
We have to carry on thing every day for our welfare is Water Bottle. You try to forget any thing but don’t forget to carry water bottle. Water is a highly Nutrient to our body. Water fluids looses from our body through Skin, breathing, urine and stool. So these losses must be replaced. Your intake of water must be more than your output.
Harmony for Body fluids
Drinking water enables to maintain the harmony of body fluids. There is nearly 60% of water is there in the body. These body fluids help the body in the functions of absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, digestion, and managing the body temperature. When there is low level of water fluids in the body the brain alarms the bodies thirst system. The brain through the pituitary gland communicates to  kidneys how much water to emit as urine or keep it back as reserves.
Weight loss Strategy
If we take water or eat a food higher in water rich foods that are healthier. They kept your calories orderly. Water rich foods include fruits, vegetables, oats, melons and beans.ir removes the by products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water reduces the appetite and hunger. It surpasses your appetite to a great extent and limits of your food intake.
Rejuvenate Muscles
Muscle Fatigue is the result of loss of fluids and electrolytes in the Cells. When they don’t have enough fluids their performance goes down. So drinking water at regular intervals helps muscles to work efficiently.
Healthy Skin
Skin is the protective mechanism of excessive fluid loss. Excessive secretion of water from the skin makes skin as dry and wrinkled. Proper and adequate drinking of water brings shining to the skin. Drinking of water every day moisturizes our skin and keeps it fresh and glistening. It helps to keep the elasticity and suppleness of the skin and prevents dryness and detoxifying the skin. So avoid cool drinks and caffeine products.
Water helps your Kidneys
Kidneys plays an important job of cleansing and ridding the body of toxins as long as intake of fluids is adequate.. Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a water- soluble waste that is able to pass through kidneys to be excreted in the urine. When proper intake of water was taken, the urine flows freely, is light in color and free of odor. When you are not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, color and odor increases because the kidney traps extra fluid for bodily functions. There is a possibility of kidney stones, if we take too little water.
Water helps maintain normal Bowel function
Proper and sufficient intake of water keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents Constipation. When we don’t get enough fluid, the colon pulls water from stools to maintain hydration and result of constipation.  “Sufficient fluids and fiber is the perfect combination, because the fluid pumps up the fiber and acts like a broom to keep your bowel functioning properly’ says Koelemay

Ø Take water fluids with every Tiffin and meal.
Ø Eat more vegetables and fruits.  
Ø Keep a bottle of water with you at your work place, in you bag or in your car or vehicle.
Ø Drinking of water helps to combats against skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and skin spots.
Ø Drinking of water helps to improve the ability to think and make us more energetic.
Ø A study in U.S.A. reveals that if we substitute water with milk, tea, coffee, cool drinks or other beverages then you will have increased chances of incurring a heart attack.
Ø Water helps to get relief from headaches and back pain in certain cases.
Ø Drinking of water helps to fight against the problem of Flu. Water with lemon or lemon juice is often used to overcome respiratory diseases, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis.
Ø The human body needs a neutral Ph 7 range in order to function properly. Drinking enough water through the day helps to maintain the balance.
Ø Proper intake of water helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so there is less chance of getting cramps and sprains.
Ø A healthy amount of drinking water may reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.
Dr.Kesiraju Ramprasad
Educational Psychologist
‘Work hard in silence. Let your success make the noise’.

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